We look at Hebrews 12
This chapter encourages the reader to lay aside unbelief and believe the truth about the finished work of Christ.
Even though difficulties and challenges will come with spreading the gospel of grace, keep your eyes on Jesus.
These Hebrew people were sure to experience persecution, rejection and ridicule, but the author says don’t stop.
There is a reward ahead and all the negative behavior from others and pain one might endure, it will be worth it in the end.
The end brings a new heaven and a new earth.
There will be another shaking so that what cannot be shaken, may remain.
Good things are ahead for those that understand self-righteousness and obedience to the Law will never get us where we want to be. Where is that?
One with Christ. Also, we want to remember God trains us and disciplines us so we can share in His holiness.
Everything God does is perfect and right, and we can trust Him to help us be who He created each one of us to be.
Companion Book