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Grace at LAST
28 The Mind of Christ
Today we talk about what it means to think with the mind of Christ. We have been given a new heart and the mind of Christ and we can trust the Holy Spirit in us to lead us into truth. How do we do that? How do we not rely on another human being to tell us how and what to think but be led by the Spirit instead? How do we fully trust in the Lord and believe He will see us through no matter what life brings our way? Are we hearing and spreading the real gospel or are we repeating what others have told us even if it doesn’t line up with our inheritance in Christ? These questions and more on today’s Grace at LAST podcast. We are so glad you joined us.
Hebrews 4:12
John 1:17
Hebrews 1:1-2
2 Corinthians 5:17
1 Corinthians 1:30-2:1
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27 Live in the Moment
Today we talk about living in the moment. We talk about refusing to live in daydreams we make up or believe from the devil. God is the God of good things and all good things come from Him. He has given us grace for now and we can learn to live in that grace and know Jesus made us perfectly right with our Father. Let’s explore the depths of what it really means to live in the moment and not miss anything God is doing in our “now.”
Matthew 6:34
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Philippians 4:8
Romans 5:6,8,10
Hebrews 10:15-18
Colossians 3
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
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26 Are You Setting Yourself up for Disappointment?
Today we talk about who and what we are depending upon that may make our foundation somewhat unstable. Together we will explore where and Who we should place our needs upon to be met, and possibly some wrong places we find ourselves. Together, let’s learn how to trust in the Lord and depend upon Him to meet all those needs and more. Learning how to surrender the people and situations in our lives, unto the Lord will bring us freedom and peace and the ability to enjoy the abundant life Christ came to give us.
John 17:3
John 5:19
Galatians 5:16
John 16:7-9
Romans 8:28
John 15:4-5
Hebrews 8:12
John 10:10
Philippians 2:13
Ephesians 3:14-21
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
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25 Who Do You Think You Are?
Today we look at the importance of how we see ourselves. If we do not have a proper estimation of ourselves, it will affect every area of our lives. We need to reject the lies of who the world says we are and adopt a true opinion of who God says we are. When we understand this, we can live from truth and the fullness of walking united with Christ through His Spirit in us. What an incredible inheritance we have been given, let’s learn what it is and begin to enjoy it, starting now.
Romans 1-6
Romans 12:1-3
Eph 4:11
Hebrews 4:12-16
John 17:22:26
2 Cor 5:17
Colossians 1:22
Colossians 2:9-10
Colossians 2:13-14
Colossians 3:3
Galatians 4:7
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
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24 Overcoming Depression Part 2
Today, we look at Part 2 of Overcoming Depression. Are we setting ourselves up for depression and anxiety and if so, what can we do about it? Why do I feel the way I feel and what is a guaranteed thing I can do to turn that around? Is it really possible to believe something and my troubles and sadness can just go away? What is the meaning to life and the ultimate goal to life? Answers to these questions and more on our Grace at LAST podcast.
2 Timothy 1:7
1 John 4:18
Romans 12:2
John 17:26
Colossians 2:9-10
2 Corinthians 5:17
John 17:3
John 19:30
2 Corinthians 4:18
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
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23 Overcoming Depression Part 1
Today, we talk about depression and anxiety. We uncover the lies that steal the rest that Jesus offers. There is an inner rest available to God’s people and today is part 1 on how to be diligent about entering His rest. We all need answers. And in this episode, we talk about where we can go to get the answers we need. I am so glad you joined me today and I hope you are blessed by the Grace at LAST podcast.
1 Corinthians 2:11-16
John 15:6
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 3:23-24
Colossians 2:13
1 Peter 3:18
John 15:9
2 Corinthians 5:21
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ephesians 1:7
1 Corinthians 1:30
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
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22 What I Should Know About Church? with Mike Adams
I am so excited to share today’s podcast that includes our very first guest, Mike Adams from the Unsunday Show and Grace Café podcast. Out of love and genuine care for the body of Christ, Corinne and Mike share a natural, unscripted conversation about the realities of organized religion and some of the dangers we can be vulnerable to if not on the alert. When we don’t understand what really pleases God, we can be led astray and searching for something that is already ours in full. Let’s learn together more of the realities that Jesus has accomplished and walk in truth that sets us free.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
21 Rest for Our Souls
Are you at unrest? Are you angry, afraid, and experiencing anxiety? Today we talk about how we can enter the rest available to God’s people. What causes these emotions and what steps can I take to overcome? How can God’s truth set me free or is it just always going to be like this? Life is hard, who can help me? These questions and more on today’s Grace at LAST podcast.
Joshua 21:44
Matthew 11:28
Romans 2:14
Hebrews 4:11
Hebrews 4:8
Matthew 11:30
Hebrews 4:9-10
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
20 Are You Perfected in Love?
Today we look at the perfect love of God that casts out fear. If we are asking God for forgiveness, we are afraid of punishment. Why? The Bible says fear involves punishment. Let’s look at God’s truth and remove any hinderance or lie that keeps us from experiencing the perfect love of God that casts out all fear. This is the kind of truth that removes fear along with depression, anxiety, and worry. Let’s learn together and then share His love with others. John 19:30 John 4:18 1 John 1:9 Hebrews 10:15-18 Hebrews 7:18-19 Hebrews 7:22 Colossians 2:13-14 Hebrews 10:10
19 What Do I Do When I Sin?
Today we look at what we can do when we sin. Is it irrelevant? Do we just ignore sin? How can we respond to our failures in a way that is not condemning but yet an opportunity for spiritual growth? I believe Jesus wants to set us free in our thinking and renewing our minds will help us walk in that freedom. I am so glad you joined me today as we look at what we have been given and how we are to respond to the inheritance offered to us in the new covenant.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
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18 Am I Really Forgiven?
Today we look at 1 John and contrast chapter 1 and chapter 2. We see the context so we can properly interpret what God is saying to us as His children. What is He saying to those that are deceived and being invited to believe in what Jesus did by coming in the flesh and dying for our sin? After we have looked at this message, put it into its proper context and audience, what should I take personal? What is for me and what is not? Let’s not become unnecessarily burdened with formulas thinking that is what God is requiring. Truth sets us free so let’s look at truth together today and enjoy our freedom in Christ.
1 John 1:7-10
1 John 2:1
1 John 2:14
1 John 2:21
Hebrews 9:22
Hebrews 3:1
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
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17 Confessing Sins
Today we look at this preoccupation Christians have with confessing their sins for the purpose of forgiveness from God. We primarily looked at 1 John 1:9 to see if it is for us as believers. We also cover the first chapter of the book of 1 John to see if this was intended for us to follow. Are we as Christians required to keep ourselves forgiven? Is that even possible? What do I do when I sin? After all, I want God to know that I am sorry. These questions and more on the Grace at LAST podcast.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
16 Law and Grace Do Not Blend
Today we look at law and grace and ask ourselves if we can’t just have some of both.? Can we mix the two and still be living in truth or do I negate what Christ has done when I add my works to His? Am I saved by grace and then I live by my obedience? These questions and more on our Grace at LAST podcast.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
15 Why The Law?
Today we look at how to experience the rest available to those who believe. We ask some important questions like, am all I’m doing, really required of me? How can God work all things out for my good? What is really the answer to the pain and loneliness I am feeling? God wants to show us how to rest in the finished work of Christ and today we are going to talk about the “how to” of that. We are so glad you joined us.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
14 What is the Law?
In this episode we look at Law and Grace and the difference between the two covenants. We looked at who the Law was given to and why. Gentiles were not at Mt. Sinai when God gave Israel the Law and He never intended you and I to make it into something to complete our holiness. These are the truths that will set us free and our introduction into God’s promised land, the It is Finished work of Jesus. May God’s rest be your reality.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
13 Law and Grace Contrasted
In today’s episode we contrast Law and Grace and ask why it is important? We asked if it is reasonable for us to give the Law a place of importance in our lives? What does Scripture say and what should we know? Who are the Pharisees of today and what and why are they trying to tell us what to think? These questions and more on the Grace at LAST podcast.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
12 Nothing to Prove
In this episode, we look at part 4 of our 4-part series, Nothing to Prove. Living in the rest of God is the way of the new covenant. It is not a covenant of works, but of rest. When we live with nothing to prove to anyone, we can be genuine. Nothing to prove allows us freedom to make choices despite what others may think. If God is leading us, let no man persuade us otherwise. These are the topics we will discuss on today’s Grace at LAST podcast.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
11 Nothing to Hide
In this episode we look at part 3 of our 4-part series, Nothing to Hide. Do we need to feel ashamed and guilty because we are not doing better at life? Do we need to join in the hypocrisy of others because we cannot be ourselves, faults, and all? Where does this type of behavior come from and how can I stand against being a phony? We will answer questions like this and more on today’s Grace at LAST podcast. We are so glad you joined us.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
10 Nothing to Lose
Today we look at part 2 of our four-part series, Nothing to Lose. Can we lose favor with God and are we losing rewards if we don’t serve and sacrifice like other Christians? Can I lose crowns or do we all get the same? How much is God really asking of us or is He the One that provides everything for us? We will answer these questions and more on today’s Grace at LAST podcast.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:
9 Nothing to Gain
Today in Episode 9 we are going to look at rewards and ask if there is something I can gain with God? If so, how? 2 Corinthians 9:6 says to sow generously and then I can be sure of a big harvest from God. Or is that really what it says? What is it that God really wants from me? How can I turn from living a life of waiting for God to do something, to living in the reality of what He has already done? How can I learn to be content? We will answer those questions and more on today’s Grace at LAST podcast.
You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.
The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.
You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook: