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Grace at LAST


Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

8 Timelines

Timelines in the Bible and in our Lives

Today we are going to look at timelines in the Bible and in our lives. Where do we draw the line? Understanding the covenant we are in with God, is a wise thing to do. How does God see me and how do I respond? If we don’t understand the new covenant, it is impossible to live in the full inheritance Christ has provided. The world divides human history and our very calendars by the birth of Christ, but is that how God divides human history? We will ask these questions and more on today’s Grace at LAST podcast. We are so glad you joined us.

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

7 James 5

In this seventh episode we look at James 5 as we bring this small book to a close. Who is this message intended for consideration? Are these terrifying words for those who have humbled themselves before the Lord and are born from above or is James still talking to those obsessed with making money and even mistreating people for financial gain? As we wrap up this book, what do we want to walk away with for our application and what do we want to leave behind because it no longer pertains to us? Those are some of the questions we will answer in today’s discussion.

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

6 James 4

In episode 6 we look at James 4. In James 4 there are many instructions that seem to steal the joy of the Lord and persuade the listener to mourn and weep if their life becomes out of balance, liking things of the world too much. But is that for us? How does God feel about Christians having wealth and material possessions? We will answer questions such as these and more, on our Grace at LAST podcast.

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

5 James 3

Today, I want to talk about James Chapter 3 and see if the Holy Spirit wants to teach us something new about our life in Christ under the new covenant. There is some really good advice in the book of James and so much of it will make life better if we believe it. But some of it confuses me. Like, as a teacher is God going to judge me more harshly than others? Is He going to judge anyone for their behavior or how well they steward their gifts? Those are the things we will look at and see what the word of God and the Holy Spirit have to say.

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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Judy Scott Judy Scott

4 James 2

In this fourth episode, we look at James 2. This is such a controversial chapter and one that can clearly conflict with some of Paul’s New Testament letters. So, what do we do? Are they for us as believers? If we don’t have works, is our faith dead? We will look at these passages and see what we can learn by putting the book of James in its proper context and audience. We will attempt to see if maybe fears have been passed down to us that are not meant for us at all, as redeemed children of God.

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Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

3 James 1

In this third episode, we begin looking at the book of James to decipher what part of his letter is meant for us as believers and what parts are not. Specifically, we cover chapter 1 and look at some truths that could be meant to shake up and reach those that may be double minded about who Jesus is. We also talk about if there are more crowns and rewards for those that handle trials well.

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

2 Corinne’s Testimony

In this second episode, I share my testimony and the unique way I came to know Jesus. I also share about my journey as a woman teacher and leader in organized religion since 1999 and my journey out of legalism. I am hoping that you will find something to relate to that will set you free from performance-based Christianity and help you find the joy and rest Christ offers us.

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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Corinne Kinstler Corinne Kinstler

1 Introduction

In this introduction episode, I introduce myself and explain a little bit about a ministry I lead in Sacramento, California called LAST Ministry. I share our heart, how we got started and the way we interact with our community. I also share some of my experience working in full-time ministry since 1999 and some of the ways I have been able to express that in an organized church setting. Knowing where I have been and the experience I bring, will help you, our listeners, to get a feel for the reason for this podcast, Grace at LAST.

Thanks for tuning in to this very first episode!

You can go to to listen to the Grace at LAST podcast as well as volunteer opportunities, sales and promotions in our thrift store at LAST boutique that provides resources for those in need.

The Grace at LAST podcast can also be found on your favorite podcast app.

You see more of what I do by following me on my social’s below Facebook:

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