83 Saved and Redeemed, Now What?

Ephesians 4 is a pivotal point in Paul’s letter. If taken out of context, we can be led astray and deceived. We may think God expects things from us that is not true at all.

Understanding the church and what God intended when He made us new creatures in Christ, will drastically change everything. Far too long we have been told it is about works and sacrifice for God when the truth is, it is Jesus’ works and sacrifice that makes us perfect and right with God.

 Paul mentions some of the spiritual gifts Jesus gave to the body. How can we appreciate the purpose of the gifts and get all we can in understanding and therefore walk in the reality of these truths?

So many nuggets in this chapter and we learn more about the spiritual blessings that belong to us, because we belong to Christ. 


84 How to Have the Relationships My Heart Desires


82 Where do I Begin to Understand What is Mine in Christ?