84 How to Have the Relationships My Heart Desires

Relationships can be difficult and bring a dark cloud over our lives if they are unhealthy. We can desire good healthy relationships, and yet find ourselves in difficult and challenging ones instead. Guilt and shame can settle in, and we might not know where to turn for answers. Paul has a lot to say about that in this portion of his letter to the Ephesians. Today, we may find ourselves in the same place, or possibly someone we know. We can learn so much from what Paul has to say and when we believe it and choose this path, life gets better, and better, and better. Let see what Paul’s advice is to these believers that he was so fond of with love and devotion. There is so much to learn that we can believe and live in our own lives today, as Paul shares some beautiful truths with us so we can have the relationships our heart desires. 


85 God’s Thoughts on Healthy Relationships


83 Saved and Redeemed, Now What?